Bridge Drug Development & Clinical Practice: Our "Pharmacometrics" course equips you to analyze drug behavior and optimize treatment plans.

What is this course about?
Bridge the gap between drug development and clinical practice through this pharmacometrics course. Explore how mathematical and statistical methods are used to analyze drug behavior in the body. Gain the skills to design and interpret clinical trials, optimize drug dosing regimens, and improve patient outcomes.
Beneficiary Industries
Universities and Research Institutes involved in health research and innovation.
Biopharmaceutical & Biotechnology industry involved in product development.
Medicines Control Authorities
Ministries of Health public health programs
Skills you will Aquire
Coding and statistics for pharmacometrics
PK data analysis in WinonLin & applications in drug discovery & development
PK/PD data analysis in NONMEM & MONOLIX & applications in drug development and deployment
Want to know more about the HEXCO Courses?
Contact us at info@aibst.edu.zw to find out more about the master program or book a meeting with us be filling in the tab below